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In 1994 Antonio Velasco formed the base of the Grupo Vegal from a pharmaceutical laboratory dedicated to the development of new medicines, especially generics. He started up the international expansion, with the know-how of previous professional experiences, expanding its scope to all the services and activities that are demanded in the health sector

These initial objectives have been extended over time with the aid of highly qualified staff that has come to implement a great capacity to work in different environments, along with the proven contribution of effort, enthusiasm and versatility.

The present is a very important moment where we try to consolidate everything we have achieved and create new dynamic internal structures of modern format and operation, together with alliances with people and expert companies that are adapted to the current technological and commercial demands.

All these targets are aimed to offering a reference group at international level in the pharma sector, and extension to other activities and services in the hospital sector.

Our history

Creation/foundation and introduction of Vegal Farmacéutica.

Selection of products to begin the development of generic products.

Contact with all the companies related with development activities.

Beginning of the marketing activities related with the new Company.

Obtention of the first MA’s (Marketing authorisations) on behalf of Vegal and other partners laboratories in the codevelopment/licences.

Continuation of the development of new products through the Company Torrefarma (mixed company: 50% Vegal, 50% Suanfarma).

Obtention of licences of OTC products on behalf of Vegal Farmacéutica.

Closure or sign of the first licence agreements for Vegal products with companies in Spain, Portugal and Italy.

At the end of this year Antonio Velasco joins the Company Vegal Farmacéutica at full time dedication and designs a strategy plan for the development of new activities within the health sector.

Promotion of the activities of Vegal Farmacéutica with priority in the export activities in LATAM and MENA countries.

Creation of H&R Consulting (90% capital of Vegal Farmacéutica) to develop projects and hospital supplies in exportation together with sanitary emergencies.

Adjudication of an important agreement (duration 2006-2008) related with emergencies services in the Republic of Angola.

Grupo Vegal increases its international presence by trips and joining international fairs of the sector

Sign of an agreement with Pfizer Group for the development of a generic products line in Spain, in which Vegal Farmacéutica has a very direct participation in all its phases except for the marketing activities.

Development and design of hospital projects of our own technology for international markets. This activity is performed through the company H&R consulting

  • Health Primary Care Centers (PCC’S)
  • Sanitary mobile units for different medical products




Invitation by a finantial group related with the government of Kuwait to study the industrial project of the pharma sector especially in the fields of insulins, biosimilars and oncology products

Between 2012 and 2014 a MOU was signed for the building of turnkey Project for an industrial complex that will be engaged by facilities of different specialities, beginning with the insulin facility (finished product), which aim is to cover the needs of the country as well as bordering countries with special interest in export to the rest of the world.

Design of industrial projects for the production and international sales especially in Africa and South America countries:

  • Packaging of medicines facilities supplied in bulk.
  • Manufacture facilities for disinfectant products, cosmetics and haemodialysis solutions.
  • Warehouse for distribution of medicines.
  • Manufacture facility for wounds and dressings.

First studies focussed in planning the future of the group with the incorporation of complementary activities that will complete the concept of a well-rounded service.

Negotiation focused in strategic agreements that will empowered the Group Vegal and active search of companies with interest in technology transfer

Incorporation of new markets such as Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Senegal, Ghana, Mozambique, Ethiopia and East Europe countries

The update and renewal plans of structures and marketing objectives grow very quickly.

Participation in a Company of distribution of pharmaceutical products, SendPharma, addressed in Malaga (Spain).

Participation in Alodia, a R&D and patent development Company of the pharmaceutical sector.

Development through Vegal Health of projects focussed to hospital tenders in Spain and its expansion to international markets.

Development through Vegal Health of electromedical projects and solutions in its different types: fixed, mobiles and transportable.

Major ambulatory surgery projects, in very sensitive cities and in need of primary attention due to their geographical situation far from the big cities, under PP format.

Authorisation of the Project for the manufacture of insulins by the Kuwait Government.